The Banque d'Amour et de Solidarité Efficient in short (BASE), which has made support for people in difficulty its leitmotif, has brought smiles to the pupils of the Groupe Scolaire Gbagba Extension, in the Commune of Bingerville. Thus 1100 gifts were distributed to schoolchildren from CP1 to CM2. It was Wednesday, December 14, 2022 within said school. The objective of the Base is "to provide schoolchildren from poor and disadvantaged families with love, joy, to enhance their self-esteem, give them courage and relieve parents in difficulty in this important period. for kids ".
Justifying the choice of this school group, the organizers indicated that: “the Gbagba Extension school group of Bingerville was selected for these actions. Indeed, the conclusions of the investigations show that to date some children only know about the celebration of the Christmas tree through stories and films, because of the precarious situation of their families. Continuing, they did not fail to recall the context of the creation of the BASE, an initiative of the UNESCO Chair "Water, Women and Power of Decisions (CUEFPOD)".
Still according to them, "it is a citizen movement, an investment in human capital aimed at promoting the values of love and solidarity, by building a large chain with the aim of helping and providing assistance to deprived people, particularly in the areas of food, health, education and others. It is an initiative that also contributes to the social and economic integration of vulnerable and deprived people in order to fight against poverty in all its forms”.
As a reminder, the Base was officially launched on Thursday April 23, 2020 in the midst of a health crisis (COVID 19), by Minister Euphrasie Kouassi Yao, Holder of the CUEFPOD Chair.
Since its creation, this structure has since multiplied direct actions in favor of the disadvantaged Ivorian population. Among its actions: the distribution of protective masks in the markets, food kits as well as the contribution to the establishment of an insulin bank at the Diabetes Clinic of the CHU of Treichville-Abidjan.
Elizabeth Goli
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.