Among these new listeners is the Ivorian Minister of Solidarity and the Fight Against Poverty, Myss Belmonde Dogo, who received her parchment during a graduation ceremony.
The official release of the 5th promotion, including 58 new gender engineering experts, was organized this Saturday, December 22, 2022 by the Unesco Chair "Water, Women and Decision-Making Power", at the French Institute of Abidjan- Plateau.
Gender is "a structural question to help development" and provide answers to certain problems, indicated Ms. Euphrasie Yao, holder of the Unesco Chair "Water, women and decision-making power", also special adviser to the head of the State Alassane Ouattara, in charge of Gender.
The tools of this training, she will say, give the opportunity to listeners to be high-level experts, capable of building, planning and finding ways to act in an equitable and inclusive way, and above all to strong individual and collective impact, said Ms. Euphrasie Yao.
"You have learned to make Gender a tool for analysis, diagnosis and orientation to build another world which is distinguished by the mobilization of all forces", launched Mrs. Euphrasie Yao towards the applicants, the calling for boldness in the face of challenges.
Ms. Belmonde Dogo, who chose the theme of Gender and Climate Change, pointed out that "climate change has a detrimental effect on the lives of populations and especially women in rural areas" who have experienced a difficult year due to the rising waters.
If in other countries, climate change refers to drought, in Côte d'Ivoire, it is manifested by floods and floods; and there are women in the interior of the country who have lost small fields of tomatoes, rice and yams because it has rained all year round, she observed.
Mr. Omar Diop, the head of the UNESCO office in Abidjan, declared that "it is now that we must take stock of the situation of women and men, to take a look at gender equality to act more effectively” through local and international initiatives.
He called for "addressing digital inequalities, geographical and gender inequalities, unequal power relations, gender-based violence, social isolation and inaccessibility to resources, inequality in the face of access to information and education”.
Dr. Titi Palé, representing the Director General of the Port of Abidjan, Hien Sié Yacouba, sponsor of the graduation ceremony, declared that "the inequalities and discriminations based on Gender that you undertake to eliminate, are a way of promoting not only the development of women, but also of men and communities”.
"Value your expertise and form a solid and united network", advised Dr. Titi Palé, marketing and communication director of the port of Abidjan, indicating that with imagination and creativity, they will be able to capitalize on their expertise for their own professional achievement and the economic and social growth of the country.
Led by the Unesco Chair “Water, women and decision-making power”, the training in gender engineering, provided over a period of nine months, is sanctioned by a graduation ceremony. This program is delivered 80% online and is intended for those holding a license.
At the end of nine months, these experts are able to plan and implement public and private interventions that are coherent, inclusive and have a strong collective impact.
The Unesco Chair "Water, women and decision-making power" was created on January 11, 2006. An agreement will then be signed between the General Secretariat of Unesco and the Ivorian Center for Economic and Social Research (CIRES), the host institution.
The program, labeled by Unesco, the Unesco Chair “Water, women and decision-making power”, was officially launched on May 25, 2008 at ENSEA in Côte d'Ivoire. Minister Euphrasie Kouassi Yao is the holder of this Chair, one of the axes of development of which is training.
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.