In order to contribute to the development of students from disadvantaged backgrounds on the one hand, to ensure succession on the other hand, the Bank of Love and Effective Solidarity (BASE), proceeded on Thursday, November 17, 2022 , the distribution of 100 school kits for the benefit of schoolchildren (girls and boys) from disadvantaged families of the Groupe Scolaire Gbagba extension of Bingerville. The theme of this activity was: "Let's make children smile". Indeed, this initiative of the BASE intervenes following the "conclusions of the investigations which show that certain pupils of this locality because of the precarious situation of their family do not have the strict minimum of the school materials necessary for their learning ".
"The organization of this sharing of school kits aims to provide help and assistance to school children, to improve their learning conditions in order to make them the educated leaders of tomorrow and at the same time give a smile to the children and parents", explain the initiators.
After the distribution of school kits to 100 students of the Gbagba extension school group, the BASE intends to once again put balm in the hearts of all the schoolchildren of the said school on December 14, 2022. This time, it will be thanks to a tree of Christmas.
Officially launched on Thursday April 23, 2020 by Minister Euphrasie Kouassi Yao in the midst of a health crisis (COVID 19), the BASE is an initiative of the UNESCO Chair "Water, Women and Decision-Making Power" (CUEFPOD) of which she is the holder.
"It is a citizen movement, an investment in human capital aimed at promoting the values of love and solidarity through the construction of a large chain with the aim of helping and providing assistance to the poor, particularly in the food, health, educational and other fields. It is an initiative that also contributes to the social and economic integration of vulnerable and deprived people in order to fight against poverty in all its forms,” they add.
As a reminder, since its creation, the BASE has carried out several actions in favor of the population. Among other things, we count the distribution of protective masks in the markets, food kits and the contribution to the establishment of an insulin bank at the Diabetes Clinic of the CHU of Treichville.
Elisabeth Goli/Opera NEWS
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.