The UNESCO Chair “Water, Women and Decision-Making Power”, organized on Tuesday December 22, 2020 in Plateau, a training and discussion workshop on the theme: “Current challenges in the promotion and maintenance of peace” .
According to Ms. Euphrasie Kouassi Yao, president of this organization, this workshop aims to take stock of the actions carried out within the framework of the “Créa-Paix” Campaign before, during and after the elections, and to identify the challenges and strategies, in order to women and young people for lasting peace in Côte d'Ivoire.
“Peace is not a passivity but rather an activity. It was weakened, because the skills were lacking. The first issue of these challenges will therefore be to put the accent on the training of populations, ”she says.
For Mr. Becaye Diarra, representative of the Director General of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), such an initiative deserves to be encouraged to guarantee lasting peace. “Thank you to the Unesco Water, Women and Decision-making Power Chair and its holder Ms. Euphrasie Yao, for their unwavering commitment to promoting peace. The UNDP, as a financial partner, will always be by your side, ”he promised.
As for Mrs. Joséphine Mayuma Kala, special representative of the President of the Commission of the African Union, peace is necessary. Therefore, it must be everyone's business. “Peace is fragile in Africa. To succeed in preserving it, everyone must provide their support, especially women who have a major role to play at this level, ”she underlines.
Training on the theme of the workshop was given by Dr Jean Messingué. According to this specialist in clinical psychology, 3 major challenges are necessary to obtain peace. These include the healing of traumas suffered by populations, the promotion of human and intercultural fraternity and the effective involvement of women and young people in the promotion of peace.
As a reminder, the Créa-Paix Campaign was launched on July 25, 2019. In this regard, several actions have been undertaken by the Unesco “Water, Women and Decision-making Power” Chair, in particular training, awareness raising and communications via the press and social networks.
Boubakar Barry
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.