Yesterday Wednesday, October 21, Minister Euphrasie Kouassi Yao in her capacity as mediator and Initiator of the Créa-Paix Campaign contributed to the facilitation of the dialogue lunch between the Women Political Leaders of Côte d´Ivoire including the ministers and officials:
1- For the RHDP: Ms. Kandia Camara, Ms. Aimée Zebeyoux, Ms. Odette EHUI.
2- For the opposition parties, Ms. Odette Lorougnon (Fpi), Ms. Léopoldine Tiezan Coffie and, Ms. Odette Yao Yao (Pdci-Rda), Ms. Danielle Boni Claverie (Urd); Ms. Nazimata Zié (GPS)
Responding to questions from the Press, Minister Euphrasie Kouassi Yao said:
"For me, it is a great day that I have dreamed of for a long time ... Where men do not want to unite to defend Côte d'Ivoire, women politicians will now be able to come together with their sisters to defend the country. Because with these great ladies, it's a new beginning. And, we will get there .. Nothing is impossible for the one who believes .. "
Were present at this meeting:
Ms. Célestine Zanou, Head of delegation of the Onufemmes mission, Ms. Antonia Antonia Sodonon, UN Women Representative Côte d´Ivoire; Ms. Joséphine Charlotte
Mayuma Kala, Representative of the African Union in Côte d´Ivoire; Ms. Marie-Louise Baricako, former Minister of the Republic of Burundi and several members of the Femwise network.
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.