Compendium des Compétences Féminines de Côte d'Ivoire

Cooperation: Cooperation: The Ivorian-Mexican Parliamentary Friendship Group was born in the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico


Mexico, DF - For the first time since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, on 13 November 1975 a Parliamentary Friendship Group was created in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies.

The Group was officially installed on 4 December 2013 by the Honorable Adriana Gonzalez, President of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.

On this occasion, Ambassador of Côte d'Ivoire to Mexico, HE Mr. ABIE Obou Marcelin, accompanied by a strong delegation of the Embassy, ​​honored with his presence this important ceremony as well as the presence of Mrs. YAO Euphrasie, Holder Of the UNESCO Chair Water, Women and Power of Decision of Cote d'Ivoire.

At this important ceremony, the Ambassador was accompanied by HE Mr. ZHIRI JAMES GANA, Ambassador of Nigeria to Mexico, HE Mr. SANDILE NOGXINA, Ambassador of South Africa to Mexico, Mr. SAID BOUDAOUD, Minister Counselor, Chargé d'Affaires a. I. The Embassy of Algeria in Mexico and Mr. Mustapha El HOR, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of Morocco in Mexico.

Also took part in this ceremony, Mr. Pedro Gonzalez Olvera, Deputy Director General of the Department of Africa and the Middle East of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico

The group is composed of :

- The Honorable Marcelina Orta Coronado, President. She is a member of the National Action Party (PAN), the second largest political force in Mexico with 38 senators and 114 deputies. It's a right-wing party.

- The Honorable Flor Ayala Robles Linares, Vice-President. It comes from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which is currently in power. The PRI has 54 Senators and 213 MPs. Socio-democratic left-wing party.

- The Honorable Javier Orihuela García, member of the Group. He is from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Mexico's 3rd largest political force with 22 senators and 101 deputies. Socio-democratic left-wing party.

- The Honorable Federico José González Luna Bueno, member. He is from the Green Party Ecologist (PVEM). This party has 7 senators and 28 deputies.

After the welcome of the Chairperson of the Group, the Vice-Chairperson, who emphasized the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in diplomatic relations between the two countries, was given the floor. It should be noted that for the Mexicans, the African continent is a continent too far from their country. This means that both the population and the authorities do not have sufficient information on the economic, political and cultural life of African countries.

Thus the various speakers stressed the need for the establishment of the Parliamentary Friendship Group which will undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening and dynamism of relations between Côte d'Ivoire and Mexico.

Each member of the group expressed their satisfaction at being part of this Parliamentary Friendship Group before announcing its availability to work towards strengthening diplomatic relations between the two countries.

For the Vice-President, after nearly 30 years of diplomatic establishment between Côte d'Ivoire and Mexico, Mexico has a young democracy, but the two countries must consider cooperation in the educational, economic, political , Cultural and tourist. It also hoped that the Coast and Mexico would open up to each other.

The President of the External Committee, Adriana Gonzalez, underlined in her speech the interest that the current Chamber of Deputies attaches to parliamentary diplomacy, in particular the Ivorian-Mexican Parliamentary Friendship Group. Indeed, it considers it an important channel to revitalize the diplomatic relations between Cote d'Ivoire and Mexico.

The Representative of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Deputy Director General of the Africa Department and the Middle East, went on to announce a working visit by the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs to Côte d'Ivoire in the days to come.

As for the Ambassador of Côte d'Ivoire in Mexico, HE Mr. ABIE Marcelin, in his address welcomed the presence of the African Embassies present at the ceremony as well as that of the Mexican authorities.

With a view to further strengthening relations between the members of the Friendship Group and Côte d'Ivoire, the Ambassador wished to inform the members of the Group that the Embassy of Côte d'Ivoire in Mexico would make individual visits of courtesy And work to each Member in his or her constituency. This visit will begin in Tamaulipas, State of the President.

In conjunction with parliamentarians, a working visit will also be made to Ivorian counterparts in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) as soon as possible.

The ceremony ended with the closing remarks read by the Vice-President followed by family photos and a visit to all MEPs in plenary as part of the adoption of the various draft laws including the draft Of an Act to amend the Electoral Code.

The Mexican parliament is composed of two chambers: the Senate with 300 members and the Chamber of Deputies with 500 members.

In the Senate there is the External Commission for Africa, which includes four senators, whose President is Senator Margarita Flores Sanchez from the PRI. It should be noted that the Ivorian days in Mexico City organized on 14 and 15 October 2013 were held in the precincts of the Senate.

Author: lebabi.net

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