The UNESCO Chair "Water, Women and Decision-making Power" flies to the aid of Côte d'Ivoire in the search for
the peace. It is in this perspective that it has launched the concept "CREA-PEIX", a process "of setting up Regional Communities for Empowerment and Peace".
Mrs. Euphrasie Kouassi Yao, holder of the UNESCO Chair "Water Women and Power of Decisions" wants to make profitable 30 years of experience and commitment in the service of peace and social justice. The capitalization will be done through an original concept called "CREA-PEIX", which it apprehends as a process of empowerment and peace "and whose official launch ceremony took place on Thursday, July 25, 2019, at seat of the Unesco Chair "Water, Women and Decision-making", located at Faya route de Bingerville. CREA-PEIX is considered as "an instrument that relies on women leaders identified in the different regions of Côte d'Ivoire" to contribute to the search for peace. According to the initiator of the concept, the Head of State's Special Adviser on Gender, the implementation of the gender approach "will lead to the mobilization of national and local efforts to consolidate the major achievements of the Côte d'Ivoire for the achievement of peace for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development for the emergence of Côte d'Ivoire ". While waiting for its operationalization, the instrument "refinement of women's involvement in peace" was presented. It was necessary to inform the national and international community, to mobilize the national press around the Crea-Paix, to launch the Crea-Paix implementation process, to inform the participants about the process of celebration of the 30 years of commitment to the service of the Gender and Development of the holder of the Unessco Chair "Water, Women and Decisions". In this sense, the organizers of the official launch ceremony of CREA-PEIX, had the happy hand. The chair of the Chair refused the world considering the quantity and quality of the participants. Indeed, identified women leaders were either in their personal capacity or on behalf of their organization. Organizations promoting gender have come from all over Côte d'Ivoire and even from the sub-region, Burkina Faso in particular. Under the partners, the Chair of the African Union Commission was represented as well as UNDP. After the video projection to show participants the objectives, several testimonials from women leaders showed the success of the gender approach to social justice and peace. The women of Gkèkè are prime examples. For their part, representatives of the various partners praised Ms. Yao's work and encouraged women to become involved in the process of seeking peace.
Germaine DAHI
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.