'' Tell me everything, I want to succeed! '' Is one of the forums offered by the Compendium of Women's Skills of Côte d'Ivoire (COCOFCI) to its members in its mission to valorize their skills. In a "harvest to bounce back" approach, this COCOFCI forum allows its members to draw on relevant and innovative female success stories to build their professional careers, their leadership and their skills.
This Wednesday, October 10, 2018, the platform "Tell me everything, I want to succeed" of COCOFCI had special guest the first African Diamond League champion, the Ivorian Murielle AHOURÉ. Having been sensitive to the wise advice she received from Minister Euphrasia KOUASSI YAO, the National Coordinator of her COCOFCI program, the Diamond League champion wanted in return to share with her sisters the secrets of her success.
In a series of friendly and sincere exchanges, the Champion Murielle AHOURÉ showed the young girls of the Compendium, how her love for her country, her faith in God, her determination, the support of her family in the restricted sense and meaning wide as well as expert advice from committed people like the Minister Euphrasie KOUASSI YAO allow him every day to exceed his limits.
In turn, the Minister Euphrasia KOUASSI YAO began by sincerely thanking the President of the Republic, His Excellency Alassane OUATTARA, for all the support he gives to the champion Murielle AHOURÉ. She asked the girls present to never doubt the values of their program COCOFCI that are "Love-Solidarity-l'Audace". Because, as they could see it is the obedience that led Muriel to athletics. It is for love that she gives everything to raise the colors of her country and her continent to all competitions. It is the audacity that allows her to remain determined despite the obstacles she encounters on her journey. And finally, it is out of love and solidarity that she recognizes the good done and that she decides to share the secrets of her success with her sisters.
Minister Euphrasia KOUASSI YAO finished her remarks by asking the girls of the Compendium to be peace actors. For this, they must be at peace with themselves, do not amplify bad news via social networks but instead use these channels of communication to convey positive images of the country and actions of peace.
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.