Cote d'Ivoire: Friday, February 09, 2018 at the Abidjan District Hotel - Plateau. This is the launch of activities of the compendium of women's skills of Cote d'Ivoire (COCOFCI). To precede the balance sheet of the activities of 2017.
COCOFCI coordinated by Mrs. Euphrasie Kouassi Yao. At the launch of its activities, a large number of personalities to know, the Minister of solidarity, women and child protection Mariatou Kone, the Minister of Employment and Social Protection Jean Claude Kouassi, a delegation from countries such as Norway, France and many others.
As Ms. Euphrasie Kouassi Yao so aptly put it, the compendium of women's skills that materializes in an online platform is made up of all the best women or all women who want to be better. Then, it aims to strengthen the leadership of women, the speed of women and promotes their progress in society by offering job offers, internships, training and even markets for those who are enterprising. Indeed, Ivorian women are no longer praying to serve the development of Cote d'Ivoire. It is for this reason that the Compendium has more than 14,000 women registered freely and is involved in the care of about 3,000 girls.
For these great ladies, 2018 turns out to be a very competitive year in view of its objectives:
Strengthen the visibility of women in the management of public and private affairs at all levels,
Provide useful and timely information for making decisions regarding the recruitment, appointment or representation of Women's Skills,
Identify areas where women are underrepresented to encourage corrective action towards equity and social justice
Promote the establishment of a dynamic solidarity network among women members of the Compendium.
I admit that it will be heavy, and not impossible gives me hope the war cry of Mrs. Euphrasia Kouassi Yao: "the moment is favorable and this moment is now."
In short, I believe in this platform of opportunity which allows to value the woman not only by her great physical beauty. But rather, by his intellect, his skills and his contribution to the economic development of a country. Therefore, I invite all women to register on the site of the Compendium to participate in the benefits and participate in the economic development of our dear and beautiful country Cote d'Ivoire.
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.