The UNESCO Scientific Chairs met from 5 to 7 July 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland to conduct a collective reflection that could boost their contribution to the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO).
This meeting was attended by more than 500 participants from Africa, America and Asia and Europe. Côte d'Ivoire was represented at this important meeting by a delegation of the Unesco Chair "Water, Women and Power of Decisions" led by its holder, Minister Euphrasie Kouassi YAO, Special Advisor to the President of the Republic in charge Of the gender and National Coordinator of the Compendium of Women's Competences of Côte d'Ivoire.
It was an opportunity for the owner to sell the enriching experience of Côte d'Ivoire specifically in the areas of gender and water and gender and governance. In this context, she presented the action research projects developed by her Chair, in particular the project for the involvement of rural women in the management of improved village water pumps (also known as the Diatokro project, name of the locality that housed the pilot phase Of the project) and the Compendium of Women's Competences program of Côte d'Ivoire.
By integrating the Gender approach in rural water management, the Diatokro project has enabled people to acquire the skills needed to ensure a continuous supply of drinking water to households, with the active participation of women in rural areas. The infrastructure management committees installed. At the same time, the time saved by women through this intervention and reinvested in income-generating activities has helped to strengthen their economic capacities as well as those of the Management Committee as a whole. This approach is now duplicated in other localities of the country within the framework of the management of the village water supply.
With the Compendium of Women's Competences of Côte d'Ivoire, initiated by the President of the Republic HE Mr. Alassane OUATTARA, Côte d'Ivoire has decided to adopt an innovative program, unique in its mode, In order to reduce gender inequalities in national and local governance and in public and private governance in a meaningful and sustainable manner. Promoting the rapprochement and collaboration of more than 12,000 women of different levels of any level, ethnic group, political edge and religion, the Compendium is increasingly positioning itself as an essential tool for the promotion of peace.
In view of these major achievements, Côte d'Ivoire, through the UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and Decision-Making, has been identified to integrate a UNESCO Regional Program on Gender Issues with four others country.
In addition, partnership agreements are finalized with the UNESCO Nanoscience Chair South Africa and the University of Geneva for the full coverage of African candidates for doctoral studies.
The first meeting of the UNESCO Scientific Chairs was organized by UNESCO and the UNITWIN program in collaboration with the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the University of Geneva and the Swiss private sector. Its main theme was "Mobilizing UNESCO's scientific chairs for political action in the context of Agenda 2030".
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.