What future for adolescent girls in Côte d'Ivoire? According to the 2014 general population and housing census (Rgph), the number of girls between the ages of 10 and 19 is estimated at 5,225,913, ie more than 23% of the national population and 47.66% of the population. The general population of women estimated by the same source at 10,963,087. These adolescents are very early delivered to marriage by their parents to the detriment of the school. They are therefore illiterate, economically very dependent on high fertility. They have very little access to health centers and have no notion of family planning, thus contributing to the growth of a highly economically dependent population. Kaba Nialé, Minister of Planning and Development, announced on Saturday in Korhogo, on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th World Population Day (JMP), to halt this cycle of poverty. Sahel women's empowerment and demographic dividend project (Swedd) (Translate: project for the empowerment of women and the demographic dividend in the Sahel). The Poro region, of which Korhogo is the capital, will benefit from this project, according to Kaba Nialé. "I would like to thank the World Bank which has just signed a major project called the Women's Empowerment and the Demographic Dividend in the Sahel Project. And Korhogo was chosen for the implementation of this project, "said Kaba Nialé, who was accompanied for the occasion by Mariatou Koné, Minister of Solidarity, Social Cohesion and Compensation of Victims and François Amichia, Minister of Sports and Recreation. A project that the minister hopes will "boost the government's efforts to deal with adolescent girls."
The choice of the Poro region, located in northern Côte d'Ivoire, is part of the theme of "Investing in adolescents". Indeed, according to Babacar Cissé, Coordinator-resident of the United Nations system in Côte d'Ivoire, "while the national average of the fertility rate is 5 children per woman, the North reaches 6.8 children per woman. At the level of female genital mutilation in the North and North-West, the prevalence is 70%, more than twice the national average of 38%. More seriously, the Coordinator-Resident of the United Nations system in Côte d'Ivoire, quoting the RGph of 2014, says that "illiteracy among the population aged 15 and over affects mainly girls and women and is 70 % In the North and 30% in the South ".
According to the Demographic Health Survey (Eds) of 2012 carried out in Côte d'Ivoire, "three teenage girls out of ten have already begun a fruitful life," said Kaba Nialé. "It limits, it has not only pursued their chance to participate fully in the economic development of the country but mostly pay social charges for their own families and the community."
With the upcoming implementation of the Swedd, the Ivorian authorities hope to see, Côte d'Ivoire, take advantage of the demographic dividend. A situation where the country will end up with fewer dependents than economically independent people.
Coulibaly Zie Oumar
Women of high level, young women graduates, women of all levels who excel in their sectors of activity.